Sunday, July 30, 2006


Neil Atwood, Toongabbie Anglican Church minister, always has interesting things to say. This post is pertinent to all who value our freedom to exercise Christian ministry in state schools in New South Wales:

Have your say on church and government
The Australian Democrats are currently building policies that will effectively shut out churches and Christians from many parts of life and community that we have currently have access to.
Things like SRE in schools, hospitals run by Christians or churches, but funded by the State, and so on.

They are inviting input from the public on these issues, and this is a good opportunity for Australian Christians (like everyone else) to express their view on the issues.

You can do that via this online survey on the Democrats website:

God and Government Survey

So if you are an Australian Christian, spend a few minutes now and tell the Democrats what you think!

Thanks for alerting us, Neil.

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